../ Terrine of tofu & shiitake with seared Okinawan sweet potato

Terrine of tofu & shiitake with seared Okinawan sweet potato

This was an experiment inspired by learning about double-freezing tofu and then pressing it to modify its texture. I used medium tofu for this layering texture.

I was lucky enough to find some Okinawan sweet potatoes. These sweet potatoes originated in Hawaii and they have a beautiful purple color and creamy texture.

I made a sandwich with two slices of the terrine on a toasted bun topped with crisped up cabbage and thinly sliced chili pepper and some lightly dressed salad greens. I served it with a couple slices of the sweet potato, seared.

(Plant and fungus based)

Terrine of tofu & shiitake

Seared Okinawan sweet potato